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 Type          : 27
 Name          : Post message
 Optional Data : <Message Area #> or /M [/L] [/T=<Name>]

   Post  a  message  in the specified area  (or  the  currently
   selected  template area if the "/M" is used).  The user must
   have  either write or sysop access to the message  area,  as
   defined  in RACONFIG.  The /L option will log the  user  off
   immediately  after the message is saved (useful for a "Leave
   message  to  sysop before disconnecting"  option).  The  /T=
   option will force the message to be addressed to a  specific
   user.  Simply  place  the user's name in the  optional  data
   field  after  the /T= parameter to select this  option.  For
   example, on my "log-off" menu, I have the following entry:

   Menu     TYPE 27
   Optional Data: 60 /L /T=Andrew_Milner

   (Any messages to "Sysop" are redirected to the sysop's  name
   as defined in RACONFIG).  If you do use a full name, be sure
   to use underscores in place of spaces.

   Specifying a message area number of zero forces RemoteAccess
   to  display all message areas that the user has write access
   to and prompt for the message area to post the message in.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson